Congress To Decide Zelaya’s Fate

The National Congress will hold a meeting tomorrow that will go down in history.

Weeks ago, the National Congress called for a meeting on Dec. 2, 2009, in order to comply with section five of the Tegucigalpa/San Jose Agreement. That sections states that Congress must decide the fate of the ousted former president, Manuel Zelaya.

“The decision of the Congress should provide the basis for achieving social peace, political peace and democratic governance that society demands and the country needs,” cites the document.

Congress has received opinions from the Supreme Court, the National Commissioner of Human Rights, the Public Prosecutor, and Attorney General of the Republic, all of which were requested by the Congress to facilitate in their decision-making.

6 Responses to "Congress To Decide Zelaya’s Fate"

  1. gonow  December 2, 2009 at 3:27 pm

    i heard my country [canada] had officially reconnised the new government in honduras .

  2. gonow  December 2, 2009 at 3:23 pm

    i think tomorrow zelaya’s name will change to … mel who?….every thing we do has choises and todays choises are expanded are limited by past choises mel’s choises are not very great now; face the 18 charges and end up in prison …..or try to escape from the prison where he put himself 2 month ago ………… 2 weeks ago he said he had his ligal team in place that is going to be a big waist of money ……….

  3. Axel Reyes Bogran  December 2, 2009 at 8:05 am

    It is a happy moment in Honduras history, for we had an oportunity to things right and we have done so up to this point.

    In order to be honest, though, I can not avoid pointing out the very common feeling of uncertainty, it shows on the preceeding write ins, and it is an uncofortable feeling that I share, for in the past the level of corruption in our country has allowed some horrible things to happen.

    I am praying that our Honorable Congress does the honorable thing, and vote no, which is the legal way to go since the Constitution has not been altered, and the people of Honduras came out to vote in masse, partially to show Zelaya and the world that the Hondurans reject the type of Government that Zelaya and his cronnies were trying to bring to our beautiful country.

    Mr.’s Congressmen, do what is right for Honduras, look at the numbers, we want to keep our freedom.

    If Zelaya is allowed in for 1 minute even, he wont leave office again unless killed, they know that, and they know that Honduras will hold back because of possible public outrage, so do not put us in that position.

    Vote no to Zelaya’s restitution, he behaved ilegally, he still is behaving ilegally, he has called for people to create chaos, destruction and anarchy, and he has asked Hondurans to go out and kill other Hondurans, and all of this for his own benefit, a person like that does not belong in the presidency of our country, in Cuba maybe, or even Venezuela, but not in Honduras.

  4. loui ayala  December 2, 2009 at 12:26 am

    I hope congress will support the judicial system,
    not being intimidated by the dictators. Anyway, who cares about this crocodile Z’liar, only his family and cronies of course. But , if you are going to ask me about my opinion?
    “NO” they should never give him a chance to rule again or it will be a mockery to the country and officials of Honduras. The best place for him , THE 4″ x 4″ wall .

  5. miraclemant  December 1, 2009 at 9:17 pm

    How can the Congress go against 14 of the 15 Supreme Court Judges??

    The ONLY answer to this question is a huge NO!!!! We do NOT want z’liar back!!

    What we the people want is for z’liar to be put where he belongs………. in prision!!!

    Let z’liar use his millions of Lempiras for a bed, that we he can have a nice soft comfy bed, jaja

  6. Al  December 1, 2009 at 8:52 pm

    This will be the final blow to Zelaya. How could they vote against the advise of the Supreme Court which is the highest court of law in Honduras on a legal matter? The last thing we need is Zelaya to create “social peace, political peace and governance”. Has he not already created the opposite as a president and as an impeached, ousted president-dictator to be?
    Zelaya: start packing your bags. Start learning Portuguese or get ready for hunger stricken Cuba or Venezuela, and see with your own eyes what you would have made out of Honduras.

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