Teachers Strike on Wednesday

Teachers union leaders have called for a national work stoppage on Wednesday for teachers, leaving once again, 2.3 million children in Honduras without an education for the day.

This is the fourth nationwide strike called so far this year. The first general strike was the first Friday of the school calendar. The second nationwide strike was declared during the third week of classes. In early March, i.e. in the fourth week of classes, the leadership of the Association of Secondary Teachers of Honduras (COPEMH) convened for the third time, asking educators to be absent from the classroom.

To the constant calls for work stoppages by teachers, the Minister of Education, Alejandro Ventura, reminded that each day the teachers do not work, they will not be paid. Already in March, teachers will have four days deducted from their pay for not holding classes.

Several parents associations have asked the National Congress to review the Teachers Statute, and have it repealed.

One Response to "Teachers Strike on Wednesday"

  1. Axel Javier Reyes Bogran  March 9, 2011 at 5:27 pm

    They should all be fired, all they are interested is Political Brain Washing of our youth, they are not preparing them to have a fighting chance, they are only preparing them to fight.
    Who is going to want to be succesful in life when since childhood he is tought to hate anybody that has money, how are you going to want to grow that what you hate.
    Get read of those Leftist Warmongers, Honduras does not want to be Socialist, never has, and it does not want to now.
    If you ask most of the youth of honduras, they have no idea of the evil that people like Lenin, Stalin, Mao Se Dong, the Kammer Rouge, Castro and others like them have committed against humanity.
    The reason they do not know is because the Lftist movement that has given birth to these batch of “Teachers / Educators” have one and only one goal, that the children grow to hate anything that sounds pro-American and or that can lead to a restructursation of that extense midle class that existed in Honduras before the Leftist Unions destroyed the economy by impossing labor laws that no business or enterprise can survive with.

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