Zelaya Attempts to Retrieve Election Materials

President Manuel Zelaya Rosales, along with a group of activists who support the project of the fourth ballot box, entered the facilities of Aerial Base Hernán Acosta Mejía, to reclaim the electoral material that would be used to count the popular survey Mel is calling for on Sunday.

The President, along with his supporters, started off at 2:00 in the afternoon from the Presidential House, where minutes before, the President reiterated that the popular vote should be listened to, even though all Justice heads have claimed the referendum illegal.  Zelaya attacked the Supreme Court of Justice and the National Congress, and called them “barbarians”.   The Honduran President said to be indignant because the Judicial Power declared the “legitimate participation of the town.” illegal.

Zelaya stated what a  shame the court of law is for Honduras.  “Those Barbarians, who do not represent anybody in the National Congress, declare that the military cannot be governed by a President.  They no longer depend on the president of the Republic, they are violating the rights of State.”

2 Responses to "Zelaya Attempts to Retrieve Election Materials"

  1. Leonel  June 26, 2009 at 7:15 am

    Ese señor esta asesorado por el mismo diabloencarnado en Fidel CAstro y su amiguito Hugo Chavez. Si llega a quedarse de presidente ahi lo van a tener por los proximos 70 años. Y ese pais va a estar en la ruina , mucho mas que ahora. Fijense en Cuba, cuando Fidel comenzo a governar todo era por los pobres y para los pobres , pero el pais producia, tenian de todo. Ahora que supuestamente ya nohay pobres despues de 50 años de Revolucion,no hay comida, ni transporte publico,los hospitales tienen limitados recursos y hay cubanos regados hasta en el Polo Norte huyendo de Fidel. Ese tipo quiere eso mismo.Para Honduras

  2. karina  June 25, 2009 at 8:23 pm

    como siempre haciendo cosas ilegales!!!

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