20 Police Districts will open in Tegucigalpa and Comayaguela

The honduran Nacional Police will look for a way to expel or to put delinquents behind bars by creating “Police Districts” which will have 200 police agents, special crimes and traffic accidents investigation units.

The police have identified 20 sites in the capital of Honduras with dense population and consequently dangerous where delinquents from other places and persons who only come to damage the city hang out, for this reason the National Police plans to create equal numbers of Police districts to cover these areas and protect the population.

The capital at the moment counts with 5 police districts but have not yet been inaugurated, they are expected to be open to the public in the next few days by the president Manuel Zelaya.

The violence in Honduras has grown considerably especially in Cortes and Francisco Morazan and consequently in the capital according to information from the Violence Observatory.

The spiral of violence has grown mostly in Cortes and Francisco Morazan because according to officials from 2,424 cases that where registered in 2007 nationwide, 1,594 belongs to these two. At the same time, out of 3,262 deaths reported nationwide, 1,683 occurred in Cortes and Francisco Morazan.

Other rural areas such as Olancho, Gracias a Dios and El Paraiso register fewer incidents because the homicide rates are between 26.5 and 7.4.

The police reports 2,228 homicides nationwide so far this year, 2047 injured 22 abortions, 195 attempted murders, 144 suicides and 57 cases of family violence.

By implementing Police Districts, we are looking to identify which are the delinquents most frequent victims and this way help prevent the violence in these areas.

The police are working in a similar manner, but with a few differences such as the cases of its territory extension, population concentration and the characteristics of each crime.

This city because of its physical characteristics allows a better circulation of vehicles and people, this also allows for the police to work with a different strategy to stop crimes.

According to the Police Public Relations Office, they have developed a strategic program on behalf of the national police department directed to offer an opportune answer to the population and in consequence it has been decided to implement 20 Police Districts around Tegucigalpa and Comayaguela.

These Police Districts will have different operation units such as the DGIC, Traffic Police and chief of district and other investigation units.

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