Amnesty International to Visit

An Amnesty International delegation will be traveling to Honduras between November 24th and December 4th to assess the human rights situation in the context of the political crisis.

The delegation plans to meet with a range of individuals including local human rights organizations, journalists, and prosecutors to discuss and document the state of human rights prior to the general elections. The organization states it will seek to meet with relevant authorities.

3 Responses to "Amnesty International to Visit"

  1. gonow  November 21, 2009 at 10:35 am

    amnesty international……….i was just watching on t v. a program about pakistan;… that country …every week there are more than a dozen women burned to death by there husbands or other famelie members so….what in hell are you doing in honduras….go to pakistan where you are needed very very much…….or do you only go to places that are save and where you are welcome and they don’t have problems to hide …..go to pakistan you see 15 – 16 year old girls in hospitals burned by there famelys……….in the past i have cotributed to your organisation but no more…

  2. Axel Reyes Bogran  November 20, 2009 at 8:47 am

    Way to go gonow!!

    I wonder if this time they will take the time to let the public know the process by wich those people determine who is “Human” and who is not, since, for some incomprehensible reason, they only concern themselves with protecting the “Rights” of “Leftist Protestors and Riators” and do not seem to be concerned with the “Rights” of the owners of private business that get destroyed by those rioters, nor with the “Rights” of the workers who can not longer go to work in those establishments, or the “Rights” of the consumers that may now have to go to a different neighborhoud to purchase what they could have bought in that place, maybe having to take a bus that no longer exists because the rioters set it on fire, and those owners of those buses, their “Rights”, who looks after them?

    Or maybe those people from Amnesty International believe they are doing those parents a favor by keeping them home, since they can now take care of those children who now wont go to school because their teachers do not respect their “Right” to an education and went on strike.

    That is my question to them, how do they determine which humans have rights and which ones do not?

  3. gonow  November 19, 2009 at 7:16 pm

    well ; that is great that this dele gation is in that part of the world that gives them a change to also stop by and investigate venezuala ,cuba and some other countries in that area….. [if they are aloud in]…………….

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