Earthquake Hits Honduras – 5.3

Honduras’ Caribbean coast was struck by an earthquake measuring 5.3 degrees on the Richter scale today, but there were no reports of injury or property damage.

The quake took place offshore, one kilometer deep into the earth’s crust, and 36 km west of northern Honduras Port of Puerto Cortes, said William Betancourt, from Honduras’ Permanent Contingency Commission.

He added that Nicaragua’s Seismology Institute had reported the event as taking place at 10:19 a.m. local time Sunday.

One Response to "Earthquake Hits Honduras – 5.3"

  1. Al  October 19, 2009 at 5:03 pm

    Quizas estos terremotos y temblores sean producto de gases y energias provenientes de la embajada de Brazil……je je je!

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