Employees Protest Dismissals

The employees of the Honduran Council of Science and Technology (COHCIT) have taken over the facility to protest the dismissal of more than 80 contract employees.

After the merging of the state institution with the Secretariat of Planning, Minister Arthur Corrals did not renew the contracts of temporary workers. It was announced that about 30 more employees could be terminated in the coming hours.

The Association of Public Employees of Honduras stated that it supports the protest of the employees of the COHCIT.

Apparently, it is customary every four years, for the new government administrators to dismiss workers of the state organizations “in order to to trim costs”, although in the end, dismissed employees are replaced with contract people recommended by the new politicians.

One Response to "Employees Protest Dismissals"

  1. Trujillo Patty  February 8, 2010 at 5:56 pm

    This practice has gone on for a long time and should be outlawed. This has affected someone very close to me, who is trying to raise a child and now has no job. No one should lose a job over their political beliefs, gender, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs.

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