General Amnesty in Effect

The general amnesty for political crimes taking place since the events of June 28th became effective today. Those who want to benefit from this legal action can do so in the courts of justice.

La Gaceta published on February 2nd, the Legislative Decree 02-2010, which approved a general amnesty. The decree clearly states it is valid 20 days from it’s date of publication in the official newspaper, indicating that today the decree becomes law for a period of 40 years.

The National Congress on January 26th, approved a general amnesty for actions that were attempted or accomplished in the period between January 1, 2008 through January 27, 2010. The amnesty was approved by the majority National Party (71 deputies), which constitutes the simple majority (65) required, plus members of the Christian Democrats and Liberals.

President Porfirio Lobo Sosa passed the decree during his inauguration on January 27th, waving it to the international community under a banner of peace, unity, reconciliation, and forgiveness after seven months of crisis. The adoption of the amnesty was part of the international community’s demands, despite not being included in the Tegucigalpa / San Jose Agreement.

Those who wish to qualify for the amnesty must have a pending indictment, go to court to appear at a first hearing to repent for the crimes committed, and plead that there is an amnesty decree that the covers them in order to benefit.

2 Responses to "General Amnesty in Effect"

  1. loui ayala  February 23, 2010 at 4:29 am

    My question to President Lobo, are you going to give amnesty to Z’liar also? if yes….i don’t believe anymore in your current administration and as a leader of ” Honduras”. I have a very high regard for you thinking that you will lead the country with pride and dignity but, if you will do this.. as if you ignored the sufferings and what the honduran people fought for” freedom and democracy”. I hope you won’t be the juniour
    of Z’liar or that country will just go down in history. I thought people that committed crimes must be punished, i did not know that when you’re holding a high position you are spared. What a country to live for criminals..” a paradise”…good riddance. SAYONARA…twisted head.

  2. miraclemant  February 22, 2010 at 4:30 pm


    Lets let all the biggest criminals in our country have a free pass = no punishment for crimes committed!!

    What does this teach our children??

    That crime does pay, as along as you commit a really huge crime against the countryand the people of Honduras.

    The really sad part of this…. is that without punishment for crimes committed against the Honduran people, at some point in the future…. some want-a-be dictator will do it all over again, because he will know that history teaches him that if he fails, there is NO consequences for his crimes!!!

    Oh how sad that we have lost our way, and we no longer teach our children that their are consequences to doing bad things!!!

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