Micheletti Moves Out

President Roberto Micheletti will be moving out of the presidential palace today to ease the transition for Pepe Lobo and his family.

Micheletti said today that he will keep a low profile until President-elect Porfirio Lobo takes office next week, and has put his cabinet in charge of the majority of tasks at hand. Micheletti will be stepping out from the limelight saying, “I retire to my house for the peace of the nation and because I will not be an obstacle to the new government, but only temporarily I depart.”

One Response to "Micheletti Moves Out"

  1. Axel Reyes Bogran  January 22, 2010 at 6:37 am

    How sad it is, one of the few good notes in the recent history of our country, and it was so short.

    One can only hope that the proper lessons were learned from this.

    And that the ones that need to pay attention, do.
    Things have changed in the political arena in Honduras.

    Now the people know their true power when it comes to elected officials, and the people also know that there is good material for presidents in Honduras, unfortunally too many of the good ones shy away from the dirty world of politics.

    Let us hope that the good fortune of Honduras does not end with Mr. Micheletti leaving, and we must pray that Pepe Lobo forgets his days at the UNAH under the tutelage of the Reina brothers.

    Honduras needs to move forward, Don Roberto nos mostro que se puede.

    Muchas gracias Don Roberto Micheletti, nod dio buen una buena experiencia.

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