Mine in Honduras Pollutes Villages

Excerpts: Authorities in Honduras are investigating claims that one of the world’s biggest gold mining corporations has contaminated a valley with toxic heavy metals. Villagers and non-governmental organizations have accused Goldcorp of killing livestock and making people sick by polluting land and rivers in the Siria valley.

People in villages bordering the site say the damage is done and the fields and streams are poisoned. “The water tastes like acid, like something out of a car battery,” said Roger Abraham, vice-president of the Siria Valley Environmental Committee, an activist group. “It would have been better if the mine never came. It has done more harm than good.”
Read Guardian Article Here.

5 Responses to "Mine in Honduras Pollutes Villages"

  1. Al  January 2, 2010 at 5:15 pm

    I understand your good intentions, mwatefall, but let us not make the same mistake of going from Guatemala to “Guatapeor” that so many nations in Latin America have fallen into.
    The world needs to evolve. Of course we know the corruption, greed and social injustice that are apart of the current system, (that is not only in Honduras, but worldwide) but let’s not fall into the trap of the trend in Latin America, which is to blame and blame, especially the United States, without taking responsability for what has been created. Always looking to the past and creating hatred and division in societies, when the real answer lies in unity and forgiveness to start dealing with the real issues in an effective, straightforward way. Without populism or failed ideologies; without creating monsters that are beyond our reach and are always trying to destroy us.We can do it mwatefall., but let’s not fall into the blaming, adolescent style trap.
    This is man made, simple cause and effect, and has to be fixed by man.

  2. mwatefall  January 2, 2010 at 12:01 am


    You did’nt read my comment.

    Where did I mention any thing about Chavez and Castro???

    Like I said Al, the solution to the problem is “God help us!”

  3. Al  January 1, 2010 at 8:58 pm

    who are you kidding? So you want Chavez and the Castros in communist Cuba to direct and control your economy?
    PLEASE! Whoever you are. Who are you kidding? Let’s take care of the problems, but not in a backward way. We want to go ahead and evolve, not to go back and perish into the the red hell of communism.!

  4. Al  January 1, 2010 at 8:48 pm

    Zelaya, Chávez y Micheletti para olvidar 2009
    01/01/2010 3:39:18 p.m.

    Los hondureños quemaron monigotes del presidente interino, Roberto Micheletti, del derrocado, Manuel Zelaya, y del gobernante de Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, entre otros, para enviar al olvido el año 2009, marcado por la grave crisis política que vive el país.

    A medianoche, pobladores de barrios y colonias de Tegucigalpa, así como de otros lugares, quemaron monigotes rellenos de petardos para continuar con la tradición de simbolizar el fin de las penas del año viejo y el deseo por que el año nuevo sea mejor.

    Unos tapiceros de la localidad de Germania, cercana a Tegucigalpa, elaboraron muñecos de Chávez, Zelaya y Micheletti, que fueron fabricados también en otros lugares del país junto con personajes fallecidos en 2009 como el cantante estadounidense Michael Jackson.

    Una de las obras, elaborada por Luis e Ismael Lagos, consistió en un tractor “conducido” por Chávez, en cuya parte trasera iba Zelaya en pijama (como apareció en Costa Rica después de ser derrocado el 28 de junio) y Micheletti en la delantera.

    El tractor simbolizaba los 100 vehículos de ese tipo que Chávez donó al Gobierno de Zelaya a través de la Alianza Bolivariana para las Américas (ALBA).

    Esta escena fue montada “por tantos problemas que generaron los tres principales hombres que estuvieron involucrados en la crisis que vive el país”, dijo Luis Lagos al diario local La Tribuna.

    Otros dos artesanos de Germania, Roger Sandoval y Otoniel Martínez, elaboraron un monigote de Chávez “armado” con un cañón, después de que días antes unos desconocidos les robaran otros muñecos del mandatario venezolano y de Micheletti.

    Representaciones del gobernante interino fueron quemadas especialmente en algunos barrios populosos de la capital hondureña por miembros del Frente Nacional de Resistencia Popular, que respalda a Zelaya.

    En la colonia Santa Rosa, la familia Cárcamo-Pineda hizo un muñeco gigante de 3,4 metros, símbolo de la magnitud de la crisis, acompañado de tres duendes, según el diario El Heraldo.

    Los muñecos de la Nochevieja en Honduras se elaboran con ropas usadas, madera, cartón, alambre y otros materiales, y para comprar los petardos para el relleno sus creadores piden dinero en la calle a transeúntes y automovilistas.

  5. mwatefall  December 31, 2009 at 10:58 pm


    (To those who are ignorant)

    Before his ousting, Zelaya called for a new constitution to replace the old one that was set up by the former Honduran government, controlled by the rich elite in favor of the very wealthy and international companies.

    Zelaya also called for the 60% increase for the bottom wage rate, which had a huge impact on Dole and Chiquita, two of the biggest employers of that company. They along with a number of companies that have sweatshops in Honduras, strongly objected to Zelaya’s 60% increase that would help the low-wager. Note: A sweatshop is a working environment with unhealthy conditions, usually where the workers have few opportunities to address their situation. The heads of these big companies along with Dole and Chiquita, determined his ruin.

    As a result, and they influenced the opposition, and through them, call in the military. This was a classic sponsored coup of one devil getting rid of the other devil, Zelaya, who was eventually, flown to a U.S. military base to be monitored for a time. Then to avoid the media, he was later airlifted to Costa Rica. The U.S. strong ties to Dole and Chiquita and special interest groups was involved from the beginning.

    Now the government of Honduras has caused the country to borrow too much from overseas companies, and allowed companies like Goldcorp Limited to come in and take away valuable resources from the Honduran people – so such entities has punctured the sovereignty of Honduras! The loans financed lucrative contracts for American companies. Getting their share from the Honduran economy, do you ever wonder why the poor people of Honduras are still in poverty and the low-wage bracket???

    People, it amazes me that intelligent people can’t see how these economic entities, are directing the politics of Honduras, and how the U.S. military bases set up in Honduras to fight drugs, are really there for strategic economic purposes, and to turn the politicians into puppets. And if its not the U.S. then it is the mafia whilst the poor people continue to suffer.

    And now we have this Canadian gold-producing company in Honduras that care not for the people of Honduras, contaminate the waters of an entire valley with heavy metals and traces of cyanide.

    Honduras… Our government has been taken by “evil spirits” of greed, vice, and self-centeredness…

    God help us!

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