Red Alert for valle de Sula

COPECO has declared red alert for the next 48 hours in Valle de Sula due to an increase of water level of the Ulua River due to rain that has been affecting north, south, west and central Honduras.

The areas on red alert are Potrerillos, Pimienta, San Manuel, Villanueva, Choloma, La Lima, San Pedro Sula and Puerto Cortes in Cortes, and El Progreso, Santa Rita and el Negrito, Yoro.

In the meantime, the yellow alert continues for Olancho, El Paraiso, Choluteca, Valle, Santa Bárbara, and Tegucigalpa in Francisco Morazan, while there is green alert for Ocotepeque, Copan, Comayagua, La Paz, Intibuca, Lempira and Francisco Morazan.

These conditions will be generating precipitation in the west with water levels reaching of up to 35 and 50 millimeters per day, with maximums accumulated of 60 and 80 millimeters in 48 hours.

The precipitations in the last few days register very high levels on the Rivers Ulua, Chamelecon, Humuya, Choluteca, Goascoran, Nacaome and Patuca. The rain storms have generated maximum levels of saturation which can cause damage to the areas near these rivers.

A COPECO representative, informed there was an increase of the water level in Ulua River of over six meters. They also warned the containment borders could break in the next few hours in some areas such as Campin, Santiago and Urraco Pueblo.

Members from the national Army have started with the evacuations in these areas.

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