Zelaya Vetos Bill

President Manuel Zelaya has vetoed a decree that prohibited the sale of the morning-after pill in the country, thus giving a green light to the sale of the drug that prevents the implantation of a newly conceived child.

The president’s private secretary, Eduardo Reina, said Zelaya vetoed the bill “because it is unconstitutional.” The Honduran congress will need a two-thirds majority in order to override the presidential veto. The measure to prohibit the drug was supported by the Medical College of Honduras.

Abortion is illegal in Honduras, and the pill’s abortifacient mechanisms led the country’s Congress to pass the measure outlawing its sale and consumption.

One Response to "Zelaya Vetos Bill"

  1. Max  July 23, 2009 at 11:39 am

    Zelaya is a genocidal Marxist like all his genocidal antichrist propaganda forefathers from Lenin to Pol Pot, he is a zombie slave to Chavez, the OECD, UN, IMF and all their world government forced tax funded abortion genocide agendas.

    All people of the world who respect life and personal concience have to wake up and use violence to protect themselves from these types of UN violent and or subversive overthrows of their governments through propaganda, military, illegal manipulations of constitutions, or bank blacklists or they will have no more soverignity anymore.

    Internal gold based currencies must be made and earth based construction and water well technology must be learned so that people in these refuge states do not have to have any types of imports to survive and do not feel intimidated or in fear of survival for not giving into Marxist UN totalitarian intimidations.


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