Possible Agreement Reached in Honduras Political Crisis

Both sides of the negotiations are meeting this morning at 8:30 a.m.

The committees of President Roberto Micheletti and Manuel Zelaya signed an agreement last night, in which Congress decides on the return to the Presidency of former President Zelaya, after hearing the opinion of the Supreme Court.

Victor Rico, OAS delegate, made the announcement. “With satisfaction, a settlement was reached” he began. Rico confirmed that the credit belongs to the Hondurans and that the Secretary General of the Organization of American States, Jose Miguel Insulza had been informed.

Then the sub U.S. Secretary of State, Thomas Shannon, expressed his admiration “for the democratic spirit demonstrated by the Honduran people.”

He said the U.S. government will oversee the election process on November 29th.

The agreement contains the following the points:

1 – The creation of a government of national unity and reconciliation.

2 – Rejects amnesty against political crimes and criminal actions.

3 – Give up a call for a Constituent Assembly or to amend the Constitution.

4 – Recognize and support the general elections and the transfer of Government.

5 – The transfer of authority over the armed forces to the Supreme Electoral Tribunal.

6 – The creation of a commission to enforce points of the agreement.

7 – The formation of a truth commission to investigate events before, during and after June 28, 2009.

8 – Request the international community to normalize international relations with our country.

9 – Support a proposal that allows a vote in Congress with a prior opinion of the Supreme Court, to roll back the entire executive branch prior to June 28th.

The agreement was read by the former president of the CSJ, and member of Micheletti’s commission, Vilma Morales.

Reina has warned that the opinion of the Court is not bound by the decision of Congress, because the agreement reached yesterday is political, not legal.

“Tonight my negotiating team authorized to sign an agreement that marks the beginning of the end of the political situation”, Micheletti stated. He said the agreement includes provisions, which have already been agreed to and signed by both parties beforehand.

Micheletti also sent a message to Zelaya and his representatives in the dialogue: “It should be noted that accepting this proposal represents a significant concession by our Government, we have always been firm that it is the Supreme Court who should decide the return of Mr. Zelaya, but we also understand that our people are calling to turn the page of history in these difficult times we live in,” he said.

“I urge Mr. Zelaya and his negotiating committee to support this agreement and join us in signing it, enough excuses, and the rhetoric that divides us, enough of political games, the people of Honduras need a final agreement.”

Meanwhile, the deposed Manuel Zelaya said the talks to reach a political agreement were in the same spot, and asked his followers to remain calm.

“We have accepted the invitation of Shannon (Assistant Secretary of State for Latin America, USA) to meet again, we are in the same spot where we started, there is no approval yet,” he said.

The former president called in the afternoon to his followers to remain calm so as not to exacerbate tensions and not interrupt the dialogue and acknowledged that the process was 95 percent complete.

11 Responses to "Possible Agreement Reached in Honduras Political Crisis"

  1. gonow  October 30, 2009 at 7:34 pm

    poolshark………i hope you are right but ….i just read the congressionnal leaders said………”they won’t stand in the way of an agreement that ends honduras diplomatic isolation… and…LEGITIMIZES THE PRESIDENTAL ELECTION…….” …….. that means……….. THOSE LEADERS ALREADY HAVE BEEN BRAIN WASHED ENOUGH TO BELIEVE THAT MEL HAS TO BE IN OFFICE IN ORDER FOR THE ELECTION TO BE LEGITIMET…….very scary …..the first thing mel will do is dismis the charges agaist him and his freinds…..and give himself and his freinds a full pardon….i think this is the first indication that the integrety of the congress is starting to dwindel ……..i hope i am wrong……

  2. miraclemant  October 30, 2009 at 5:58 pm

    ok…. we all know that z’liar is a puppet of Chavez.

    We all know the Chavez has tons of money, because of all the oil his country sells.

    so…. what if Chavez offered $1 million to each member of Congress for their vote……. would that not be a cheap purchase price of a country??

    Let’s pray that the members of Congress have tons of integrety to deny Chavez of buying the vote.

  3. Al  October 30, 2009 at 3:43 pm

    Micheletti seems to be playing his cards very well.

  4. Poolshark  October 30, 2009 at 2:14 pm

    Article in Bloomberg says,’Honduran Congress Leader Says Accord Won’t Restore Zelaya’
    By Blake Schmidt

    Oct. 30 (Bloomberg) — Ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya won’t be restored to office under an accord that leaves the decision on his return to lawmakers, a vice-president of the Congress said.

    “Zelaya won’t be restored,” Marcia Facusse de Villeda, an adviser to acting President Roberto Micheletti, said in a phone interview today, “But just by signing this agreement we already have the recognition of the international community for the elections.”

    Micheletti said yesterday he will allow Congress to have final say on whether Zelaya can return to power, though not before considering the opinion of the Supreme Court. The move, which U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called an “historic” accord, may end the country’s four-month political crisis.

  5. Poolshark  October 30, 2009 at 1:03 pm

    What I want to see is, when the Congress and Supreme Court vote against Zelaya AGAIN, will the world accept it NOW? That is, of course, if Z actually signs the agreement. Bet he won’t ’cause he knows…..

  6. jamespadgett  October 30, 2009 at 12:35 pm

    May Hondurans and all who love Honduras seriously pray that no Congress member allows hmself to be bought off with Chavez petrodollars and that it strongly overwhelmingly votes to not allow Zelaya to be reinstated. There are rattlesnakes that are more worthy of trust than Zelaya is.

  7. Poolshark  October 30, 2009 at 10:13 am

    It is mind boggling to see all the media reports trumpeting this development as if it were a done deal. It is also amusing how many use the phrase ‘holed up in the embassy’, although a few have realized how ridiculous they look and changed to ‘taken refuge’. Mira, these self-important ‘diplomats’ have been spewing refuse for 4 months now, jostling for the spotlight and filling up their pitiful yellow rags parroting garbage. Only Micheletti has kept a cool head and an honest tongue. Trust him.

  8. gonow  October 30, 2009 at 9:10 am

    poolshark………i hope you are right….

  9. Poolshark  October 30, 2009 at 9:04 am

    So Micheletti agreed to sign and Zelaya hasn’t. hmmm. The same congress and Supreme Court that threw him out before. And it is still being said that this is a legal matter, not a political one. Tranquilo gonow. Nothing has changed. They are just trying to clarify their position, so that the U.S. can save face, recognize the election, etc. Zelaya knows as soon as he steps foot out of the Brazilian Embassy he will be arrested on criminal charges at least. He has cero hope of the congress trying to override the court for him. This just make sit look like Micheletti is coorperating and the ball’s in his court.

  10. miraclemant  October 30, 2009 at 9:01 am


    Why did Micheletti give in the z’liar?

    Previously the position has been that ONLY the Supreme Court can decide legal matters! Which is as it should be.

    Micheletti…… you have gotten so very close to the elections, only to now cave in??? WHY???

    Let me ask a question…… What if the Supreme Court says NO… But the Congress approves it anyway?? Will the Supreme Court overrule the Conress??

    This is a horrible solution….. but I guess that we can only pray that Micheletti has predetermined what the votes will be…… but in Honduras does anyone really believe that z’liar can not buy the votes he needs????

    Lets all let congress know that we can NOT let z’liar back in, and that we do NOT want him back in!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Stay Strong Honduras…… ONLY 30 more days until the free elections of the people of Honduras!

  11. gonow  October 30, 2009 at 8:42 am

    this is shokking ;………. all i will say if your congress votes this ..crook/thief …..back in office than…..they get exactly what they deserve…..a crooked ,lying, thieving, president appointed by them ….may a little wisdom and commen sense come to them before it is to late………….. all you have to do is look and listen to chavez. …………… i will not go to honduras this winter if mell is in office..

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