Congress Will Meet December 2nd

The President of Congress, Jose Alfrfedo Saavedra, said today that Congress will meet Dec. 2nd to decide whether Zelaya should be returned to the presidency. They are awaiting word from principal legal entities, including the Supreme Court of Justice, as to their opinion on the possible reinstatement.

Craig Kelly has arrived in Honduras today to meet again with the principal parties in the political dispute according to Ledy Pacheco, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Embassy in Tegucigalpa.

3 Responses to "Congress Will Meet December 2nd"

  1. gonow  November 17, 2009 at 10:48 pm

    kelly go home; keep it simple go tell them the facts……….zelaya was legally elected and legally removed …..what is difficult about that??……or maybe keep them in the dark about the facts in honduras …….and get more free trips to honduras ….can’t blame you for that it is a nice country ….

  2. Axel Reyes Bogran  November 17, 2009 at 6:23 pm

    Why are they even considering allowing him back into the presidency?

    The reasons why he was ousted still stand, as far as I know the Constitution has not been changed, he broke and violated article 239, he was punished accordingly, and as the same article calls for, when he failed to voluntarily resign his post, he became a traitor to the country, thus exposing himself to the possibilty of loosing his Honduran citizinship, and if he is no longer a Honduran, honduras has the right to deport him.

    This should no be a matter of consideration, the reason as to why he was ousted still stands.

    And if anybody needs any more proof that he does not deserve to be near anywhere near that post, all they have to do is listen to him calling for Honduran blood to be spilt for his own gain and convenience.

    He is not calling for Honduras to stave off an outsider trying to invade us, he is calling for Hondurans to kill other Hondurans in order to allow an outsider to come in, that outsider being that animal known as Chavez, and take over our country by simply telling Zelaya what to do and how to do it.

    How can this be even a matter of consideration is beyond me.

    He already agreed (thru his representatives) to follow the indications of the agreement reached in Teguscigalpa, which reads that if he is not in place (in the presidency) by a certain date, he simply wont be back in.
    So what is his beef, he was not put back in, and you do not see those hundreds of thousands of supporters that he is supossed to have marching and demostrating in disgust, instead you see a few acts of violence and many threats not to allow the Honduran people to go and exercise their right to vote by boycotting the rightful and free elections of our Nation.

    Zelaya is a thing of the past, a bad taste which has to be washed out of the mouth of the people of Honduras and let us keep on marching forward, free and proud.

    Take him out from Honduras and have him sent again to some other country which he may agree in their form of Government, but in Honduras, he has no business near the presidential palace.

    Besides all of that, I simply can not believe that there are people in the middle of this battle that really believe that Zelaya will relinquish power one he gets it back, there must be a plan waiting to be put into effect by him and his suporters, they are not crying against an attack to the democratic process, they complaining because he was not allowed to go forth with his plans to stay in power for ever.

    S9o the decision should be simple, just base it on the following points and questions:

    1). The Constitution tha Zelaya violated is still in effect in Honduras, so it is still violated by him.

    2). Zelaya has no intentions of letting the power get out from his control if he gets it back.

    3). Who in their right mind will actually believe that Zelaya is a defender of the Democratic process?

    4). Do you all believe that Chavez will really throw in that towel that easy?
    He needs Honduras and its sky for the Drug Trafficking that his expansionist behaviour uses to provide money.

    5). What are we talking about?

    We got him out for a reason, he wants to turn all of Honduras into his own private ranch, just as the Castro brothers did with Cuba and Chavez has done with Venezuela.

    5). Are

  3. miraclemant  November 17, 2009 at 3:20 pm

    If this decision is based upon the legality of returning z’liar to power…… then there is only one answer to this question……. the answer is NO, it would be a violation of the Honduran Constitution.

    Stay STRONG Honduras…… only 13 more days until the elections of the free people of Honduras….

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