Honduras Businesses Doing Well

“The political situation is of concern to all Hondurans, and I can tell you that the business community is united in urging a peaceful and quick resolution.

Unfortunately, the normality of life in Honduras has not received much media attention. Business here continues to flourish, and people are going about their normal lives – working, relaxing, attending school, shopping, visiting friends and family, going out to eat, and so forth. In short, we are operating as usual. “…Click for full article

14 Responses to "Honduras Businesses Doing Well"

  1. Meg  August 11, 2009 at 1:37 pm

    Well JSantos, the similarities are not retarded, like you make them to be. What Billy Hewitt is saying is that Micheletti represent a group of rich bussiness class, in wich the poor are not included. Hitler represente the same class in wich the poor, handicap and every person that did not fit the profile; of what he wanted people to be, were put in camps. Micheletti wants to punish those who are protesting against him and his fake government. He do not want negociations with any body, that makes his fake government a totalitary government just like Hitler. Does that, answer your question? No insults Please, just post you argument.

  2. jsantos  August 11, 2009 at 7:36 am

    How is Micheletti like Hitler? Please explain? That was a retarded comparision?

  3. Neal  August 10, 2009 at 1:56 pm

    The facts are that Zelaya broak the law and tried to illigally change the Honduran constitution to allow him to remaine in office beyond his term. I is trying to follow his good friend Hugo’s example to establish a dictatorship.

  4. Meg  August 10, 2009 at 12:29 pm

    I read the News paper ” El Libertador” yesterday and you can see how corructed the people who forced Zelaya out are. It was a conspirazy by the elit rich bussines people of Honduras. The plan was headed by Aline Flores, and it was excuted by General Romeo Vasquez, Velasquez. And get this, General Romeo Vasquez, Velasquez, was convicted for been the head of a mophia Called : Banda de los trece”, The thirteen gang, they stoled more than 200 cars international to sell them in different countries. He went to jail in 1993. The story is in the first page of the Heraldo, another news paper that support him and the coup now. You will see in “El Libertador ” all the faces of the mop that got Zelaya out. If you read Spanish you can get jucie information from “El Libertador”.

  5. Billy_Hewitt  August 10, 2009 at 11:03 am

    The American neo con facist FTAA businesses have lost $124 million because they can not ship or make product. Thankyou Honduran workers…Give them the Bush Texas 3 stomp…STOMP! STOMP! STOMP!

  6. Billy_Hewitt  August 10, 2009 at 11:00 am

    It is time to march on the facists…grab a sharp machete democrats

  7. Billy_Hewitt  August 10, 2009 at 10:59 am

    Brazil could blockage all the Honduras ports easily.

  8. Billy_Hewitt  August 10, 2009 at 10:58 am

    The facist military coup leaders can rule by machine guns and terror only so long. The OAS should blockade these facist ports immediately and the coup facists would restore democracy. The new Hitler Micheletti does not have the support of the workers in America. Americans dumped the facist neo cons last election like stinky garbage. Zelaya and 5 million supporters should grab some machetes and clean out the corrupt congress and supreme court

  9. Calvin Tucker  August 10, 2009 at 8:00 am

    Big business is the enemy of democracy. The richest 20% want to rule the whole nation. They think that they are big men, but they will fall – like humpty dumpty, and all of their horses and all of their men, won’t be able to get them in power again… because it is time for the people to have the power. One citizen equals one vote. Governments that are not FOR the people are doomed.

  10. meg  August 9, 2009 at 9:06 pm

    I am sure that this article was writting by one of Michelleti supporter to pretend that everything is fine in Honduras. I do agree that the media should go an interview the real people not only the rich people so they can get the full spectrum of what is going on in my country.
    I also bilieve that all those who attack the people who are in strikes are aganist my country. The people have the right to asamble if they do not agree whith the government; that is what people do in a democratic society.

  11. Juan Mendoza  August 9, 2009 at 4:23 pm

    It may be okay with the richest 30% to vote to keep the other 70% down and in poverty, but that is not democracy. One person equals one vote. If we vote to change the constitution, to let presidents run for re-election – then that would be our right under a democratic system. If we the people decide that we want to be friends with Presidents Chavez & Castro, that also is our democratic right. If the majority votes to tax the rich more, to have living wages (not minimum wages), to require employers to guarantee 6 weeks of paid vacation time each year & healthcare for all workers, then that too is our democratic right. It works in Europe, Australia, Canada & New Zealand. It can work here. If the majority of us chose to have a social democracy, then that is our lawful right. Get out of our way

  12. Juan Mendoza  August 9, 2009 at 4:14 pm

    The only politicians who deserve to hold
    the reins of power are those who truely love the people. The rich are rich enough. It is time for all Hondurans to have living wages (not minimum wages), guaranteed 6 weeks of paid vacation time each year (like other people), & guaranteed healthcare. The ruling elite are insanely greedy. They can not get enough
    money. They are enemies of democracy.

  13. Mindy Kehl  August 9, 2009 at 7:30 am

    Sure, and they will continue to do well if only the other countries will stay out of their business.

  14. celidazuniga  August 8, 2009 at 1:36 pm

    It is only the zelaya’s followers that are desturbing the peace.I do agree that the media had forgotten to go out to interview the normal honduran in order to give an image to the world of what is going on there.On the other hand,hondurans need to get adjusted to their daily life without Mel Zelaya.

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