Honduras exports $650 million dollars in fruit and vegetables a year

Honduras Exports Fruits and Vegetables

Honduras Fruits and Vegetables

In the past three years, Honduran agricultural exports consolidated globally, reached international quality standards, and a variety of Honduran products consumed in every continent, have been certified.

Currently, Honduras exports $650 million dollars in jalapeno pepper, melon, watermelon, and other fruit and vegetables.
The director of SENASA, Heriberto Amador Salinas, reported that there have been no rejections of Honduran agricultural exports due to reports of pest presence since 2011; something that has strengthened the international market’s confidence in Honduran products.
He indicated that this was the result of an inspection and training processes being carried out at the national level in conjunction with Honduran producers so as to ensure plant health and achieve world-class standards so the products can be certified.
Senasa’s director said that this had led to the opening of new markets such as the U.S., which consumes Honduran pitaya and tomatoes, Mexico, which imports melon and watermelon, Ecuador, with coffee, melon and palm kernel, and Costa Rica with onions.
He added that, this year, they would obtain the certification to export melons to Japan and Taiwan and jalapeno pepper to Mexico, among other countries from Central America, Europe and the Middle East.
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