Micheletti’s New Proposal

The negotiating team from Micheletti’s side offered a counter proposal today for consideration. They suggested the final decision, on the reinstatement of Manual Zelaya to the Presidency of the Republic, be held until reports are received from both Congress and the Supreme Court of Justice, who will thoroughly examine the issue Constitutionally.

That way, no matter which side prevails, it will be done legally and by the rules of the Constitution of the Republic. These institutions are the only legal bodies that have evidence of the purported actions of Zelaya, and therefore are the only ones in a position to make such a determination.

The decision would be both definitive and final, and both parties would be obligated to accept it.

7 Responses to "Micheletti’s New Proposal"

  1. honduranfreedomfighter  October 20, 2009 at 8:37 pm

    See all the good things that come from this long adversity.  Honduras will be all the stronger.  This is the big battle for freedom in the world.  It is making the leftest look like the idiots they are.  Honduras will be rewarded.

  2. Poolshark  October 20, 2009 at 12:02 pm

    God Bless Roberto Micheletti, CSA and Honduras! I doubt if Zelaya will accept it of course. He thinks this is all about personality, not law.

  3. Al  October 20, 2009 at 10:25 am


  4. Honduras Democracy  October 20, 2009 at 10:00 am

    Micheletti is absolutely right with presenting the counter proposal. Zelaya did violate the constitution and it will evaluated through congress and the supreme court.

  5. gonow  October 20, 2009 at 9:59 am

    mr micheletti you are 100% right ……..and sooner or later the people in the u.s.a. and other countries will understand it ….preserving the peace is much more importend …than trying to make peace you are doing a great job…

  6. Honduras Democracy  October 20, 2009 at 9:53 am

    It’s a fair proposal considering the fact that the majority of Honduras does not want Zelaya re-instated. Zelaya has to accept this fact.

  7. miraclemant  October 19, 2009 at 10:34 pm


    Stay STRONG Honduras……..

    Stay STRONG Micheletti…..

    only 40 days to go until the people speak, and the elections are heald…..

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