North Coast on Yellow alert for 48 hours

COPECO has declared yellow alert for 48 more hours in the towns of Pimienta, Potrerillos, Villanueva, San Manuel, Choloma, La Lima, San Pedro Sula and Puerto Cortés, in the department of Cortes; El Progreso, Santa Rita and El Negrito, in Yoro due to the heavy rains that fell during this past weekend. COPECO announced Ocotepeque, Copán, Santa Bárbara, Comayagua, Valle, Choluteca, El Paraíso, Olancho and Francisco Morazán remain under green alert warning.

According to COPECO authorities, the heavy rains increased the level of the Ulua and Chamelecon River in Valle de Sula, and according to the weather forecast from the National Meteorological Service, the precipitations will continue on the national territory but specially on the north area.

The weather that is being experienced are product of the passage of the tropical wave number 38, that will maintain atmospheric instability specially in the mountainous areas east,west and south of Honduras with heavy rains, thunderstorms and abundant cloudiness.

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