President Lobo Visits New Orleans

President Porfirio Lobo Sosa, along with additional delegates from Honduras, including Secretary of Public Works and Transportation Miguel Pastor, Secretary of Education Alejandro Ventura, and Secretary of Health Arturo Bendana, are in New Orleans this week, visiting Mayor Mitch Landrieu and other city officials.

The delegation is there to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with New Orleans-based University Presidents that focuses on educational, health and cultural projects. This is the second trip the group has made this year.

This Memorandum of Understanding involves student exchanges between New Orleans and Honduran Universities, and would provide scholarships to Honduran students.

“The interchange, the students, the interchange of the technology and the knowledge and furthermore the scholarship program is very important for Honduran students,” Lobo said.

Universities would also be able to send faculty and staff to Honduras to teach them about health care and rebuilding public education, lessons New Orleans learned after Katrina.

Dr. Scott Cowan, President of Tulane University said, “They’re very interested in building their education system and obviously we are probably the best learning laboratory in America for building a public education system.”

President Lobo also took a tour of the Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness following a bilateral meeting. There, the President received an update on the city’s system for emergency preparedness from Col. Jerry Sneed, Deputy Mayor of Public Safety.

In a letter earlier this summer, President Porfirio Lobo Sosa expressed a commitment to building closer ties between Honduras and the City of New Orleans. Tegucigalpa and New Orleans have an existing sister city partnership.

New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu said, “Honduras has long been a great partner with New Orleans, and we are honored to welcome President Lobo to our city” … “Continuing to build this relationship benefits both our city as well as the citizens of Honduras.”

One Response to "President Lobo Visits New Orleans"

  1. Axel Reyes Bogran  September 9, 2010 at 10:23 am

    Finally Mr. Lobo is showing a willingness to do what he said he would do almost 10 years ago, which is that he was willing to learn from the people that were doing it right, as a matter of fact, that is one of the reasons he pushed to pass the “19 Electoral District” concept, so that Hondurans living in the USA can a say in what happens in Honduras, we, who live here, have known for a while that this country has much to teach, all of the good things that we enjoy in the USA are the result of very hard work, dedication and love for the community, this are not bad things for Honduras to copy.

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