WSJ Sees Through the Clouds


“If there is one person in Honduras who is more despised these days than deposed president Manuel Zelaya it is a foreigner who goes by the name of Hugo. We refer here not to the Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez but to U.S. Ambassador Hugo Llorens…”Read WSJ Article Here

5 Responses to "WSJ Sees Through the Clouds"

  1. gonow  November 2, 2009 at 8:01 pm

    axel…………….you are right honduras has to be care full becouse they are dealing with a very danegerous….snake and a snake is a snake…..good luck, from cold canada……….

  2. Axel Reyes Bogran  November 2, 2009 at 5:00 pm

    You are absolutely right Ms. O’Grady.

    Hugo Llorens is very much a disliked person by many Hondurans that like me, believe he has his own agenda, and such determines what his move is going to be next.

    But I do not particularly believe his aim is poiltical for Honduras, at some point one has to question the simple fact that he must have known the level of involvement at which the famous Zelaya family is in ‘Drug Trafficking’.

    It is simply inconceibable to expect him to have ignored it, since he represents the USA in the region and its war on drugs being fought by that country all over Latin America and other sectors of the World.

    Then the question is, Does Llorens have a preferred political type of Government, or is he simply trying no to be questioned on his involvement in drug trafficking in Honduras.

    You see, in America, if you know that certain crimes are being commited and do not try to stop them, be it by reporting to the proper authorities or even taking matters into your own hands, you can easily be seen as part of the problem, or even worse, as a criminal also.

    But as much as I dislike Llorens, I still believe that Obama was given a big oportunity to do the right thing when the W. S. Journal and The Post published their belief that him & Hillary were both reacting to the corrosive and vindictive information that was being passed along to them both by Llorens.

    There was no better moment than that to stop the unfair punishment that Honduras was being handled, but it was not taken by any of them.

    So, in my mind and my heart, both Obama, Hillary and Llorens are equally guilty in the suffering of Honduras.

    And I am a firm believer that these “Commies” have something up their sleeve, otherwise why put so much faith in the posibility that Zelaya my get back in power?

    All Zelaya has to do is to interrupt the elections process and he would have given himself the right to keep the presidency, since, if there is no timely elections for whatever reasons he can come up with, even unfounded suspicion, he can hold the power in his hands until things are fixed, and nobody knows how long tha may take.

    Do not, Honduras, fall into the trap of the well wishers, many times people choose to believe what sounds better than the harsh reality.

    Do not believe one word that Zelaya says, do not give him one chance, that is all they are waiting for, that one oportunity to disrupt that electoral process.

  3. Poolshark  November 2, 2009 at 3:46 pm

    Tell it like it is Mary!
    And yes throw LLorens out of Honduras. please!

  4. Al  November 2, 2009 at 9:21 am

    Yes! Llorens should be thrown out from Honduras as “persona non-grata”. Hondurans don`t need a communist representing the US in their country. He belongs in Cuba.

  5. miraclemant  November 1, 2009 at 9:27 pm

    Yep….Hugo is a puppet of that marxist obama.

    I believe the people of U.S. should be on guard, because obama has shown that he does not agree with following the rule of law or the Constitution. In fact obama has stated that the Constitution is a limitation on what he wants to do, and will only get in the way of his plans.

    Recently I found out that article 1 of the U.S. constitution forbids obama from accepting the Nobel peace prize…. but then why should he let a little thing called the Constitution get in the way of his goals?? he evidently does not thing Honduras should follow their Constituion, so why would we think obama would follow his??

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