Zelaya Awaits January 27th

Manuel Zelaya will announce his future plans on January 27, 2010, according to his official spokesman Rasel Tome.

“President Zelaya will announce his decision to either stay in Honduras or to seek political asylum abroad on January 27th. He is convinced that until this day he remains the acting head of state,” Tome said.

4 Responses to "Zelaya Awaits January 27th"

  1. loui ayala  January 20, 2010 at 7:47 pm

    I am projecting that president-elect ” Balloon” is trying his best to let his “catracho” stay in Honduras……or do they have same agenda and just pretending to be the good guy? i hope i am 100% mistaken or “God help Honduras” for there will be a serious chaos ….for there is no more ” Michellitti” to fight for Honduran people……what are left are cowards and corrupt
    and i hope there is one that will emerge as Michelletti # 2.

  2. Axel Reyes Bogran  January 20, 2010 at 10:30 am

    I wonder what is he waiting for, could be that he is so sure he will get amnisty?

    If so, I do not know why, nobody in Honduras who is not of a Leftist political inclination should not be awaiting a pardon for that traitor.

    The communist always do what is best for themselves, we all know that, as i read somewhere I remind you:
    It is easy to be a Socialist with somebody else’s property.

    Zelaya should be really scared now, if he is not, then he knows something the people of Honduras does not know.

    The people of Honduras already has shown its dislike for this man and his ideals, that is one of the major reasons Pepe Lobo got to be president.

    I hope that we did not make a mistake and instead handed Zelaya a “Free out of Jail” card by choosing Lobo as president.

  3. miraclemant  January 19, 2010 at 7:17 am

    correction…..Z’liar is the acting head of traitordom!!!!

  4. loui ayala  January 19, 2010 at 1:04 am

    This Z’liar is still in trance or in delusion of grandeur.

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