Zelaya Responds to Proposal

Zelaya’s negotiators have sent a counter proposal to the Honduran government and issued a deadline of midnight for their response. Zelaya’s “proposal” states that Congress reinstate him to the Presidency.

3 Responses to "Zelaya Responds to Proposal"

  1. gonow  October 22, 2009 at 9:26 pm

    miraclemant………from where i am it is only 37 days right now………can you believe this criminal setting………..demands and deadlines…..stay strong don’t get conned…….

  2. miraclemant  October 22, 2009 at 8:10 pm

    oops…. I mis-counted….

    ONLY 38 days till the free elections of Honduras, jajaja

  3. miraclemant  October 22, 2009 at 8:09 pm

    give up zelaya, you will NEVER be President again!!!

    So take you whinning little marxist/leftist self, and prepare for a lifetime of prision, because that is where you will be in the end.

    ONLY 39 days till the free elections of Honduras… Stay STRONG Honduras……

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