Zelaya Supporters Paid

According to authorities, popular leaders and members of the administration of former President Manuel Zelaya, had received large sums of money with which to finance the mobilization of groups of people in marches and planning for the former president in different areas of Honduras .

Activists called the “Front Against the Coup d’etat” received payments of thousands of dollars, which was found written in a book seized last Friday by police in a vehicle owned by Carlos Eduardo Reina, son of Jorge Arturo Reina. Jorge Arturo Reina is the ambassador of Honduras to the United Nations.

A document released by the authorities is dated July 24th and lists the names of people who received the money, specifying the amount…

[Exerpt from El Heraldo Newspaper in Honduras…Click for complete translated article.

20 Responses to "Zelaya Supporters Paid"

  1. kenny  July 31, 2009 at 5:18 pm

    I am very worried about the situation with venezuela and colombia and the way chavez is spreading evil and tyranny throught latin america. I cannot believe that some of our leaders in the U.S. insist upon zelayas return. I just hope the proud people of honduras can withstand the chavez (zelaya) and obama administrations.

  2. Free Honduras  July 30, 2009 at 10:57 am

    Janine –

    Please keep in mind that Zelaya is cuasing what is going on right now. He is encouraging people to go in harms way, forcing the military to react and keep order to protect the country as a whole. This is terribly unfair to the inocent people caught in the middle, and it is all because Zelaya is selfishly using the people to try to force his own adgenda. He sickens me.
    Fortunately, the curfews and the road blocks will only be temporary, where as if Zelaya remained in power, people would be treated like trash by him for generations.

    I hope you are wrong about the military running the country, from behind the scenes, but I have no proof of that, it just does not seem to fit the facts.

    Good luck, I hope Zelaya gives up soon so peace can return to Honduras.

  3. janine  July 29, 2009 at 1:19 pm

    i live in honduras, i never liked zelaya but i see no reason for the new government to treat people like trash, i strongly believe the military rule the country , because no one has been able to srop them from stepping over everyone´s human rights.

  4. MEI  July 29, 2009 at 8:20 am

    My congratulations to the Armed forces of Honduras and all the people which are protecting the Constitution of Honduras,
    BE Strong and don’t allow theEVIL CHAVEZ & MEL to wing the battle!!

    God will bless all of you Hondurans…

  5. mann  July 28, 2009 at 10:55 pm

    Kim, your an idiot and probably a racist, get your
    facts straight before you speak. don’t confuse my
    country’s troubled times with your twisted ideals.

  6. catracha  July 28, 2009 at 5:47 pm

    no permitamos a ese sombrerudo chavista que se salga con la suya estoy muy orgullosa de las fuersas armadas ydel congreso de la republica por las acciones tomadas.adelante pase loque pase.estoy con uds

  7. MOISES SACA  July 28, 2009 at 4:46 pm


  8. Jordan  July 28, 2009 at 3:57 pm

    Well said Kim. Zelaya cares nothing about the country of Honduras just as Obama cares nothing about the United States.

  9. frank  July 28, 2009 at 2:14 pm

    its hard for me to believe that president obama and clinton are supporting zelaya-i would have thought they would find out the truth by now on what really happen in honduras and support the way the congress and supreme court in honduras held up the honduras law , shame on u mr president and mrs clinton, viva honduras

  10. Al  July 28, 2009 at 11:35 am

    It was obvious from the beginning, but what more proof the world needs to know that this Zelaya man might represent the best interest for Chavez and Castro and their puppets, but not for the Honduran people.

  11. rel  July 28, 2009 at 11:19 am

    honduras en el escudo nacional dise libre soberana e independiente primero muerto antes que yo vea a un comunista en el gobierno o a honduras comunist 305 honduras 4 ever

  12. Steve J.  July 28, 2009 at 7:28 am

    I pray that the communist will be kept out of and removed from the beautiful country of Honduras. What a brave and patriotic move by the rulers and armed forces to protect the Honduran constitution from a dictatorial president who obviously did not respect it. I only wish the leaders of the U.S. would have the courage to do the same. Stay the course and know the country is more important than the political ambition of one man. Honduras has shown the world true leadership in the protection of it’s constitution from it’s enemies- both foreign and domestic.

  13. Kim  July 27, 2009 at 11:56 pm

    Honduran military are doing an excellent job in supporting their constitution. Can we borrow yours to ‘clean house’ in our country? This administration is doing the same thing but a thousand times worse and we’ll be communists by year’s end the rate this Kenyan-born and illegal thug is deceiving the world. BO loves Arabs/Muslims and hates Americans, American Soldiers, American Police Officers and any form of dissent against his plans of destruction for this country. Please come help teach our military how to take our country back from all these crooks and thugs!!! Viva Honduras!!!

  14. unknown  July 27, 2009 at 10:41 pm

    Zelaya fueron pagados a partir de dinero ilegal producto de Hugo Chávez. Ellos no son verdaderos aficionados si pueden ser comprados y pagados. Interm este gobierno está aquí para quedarse hasta las próximas elecciones presidenciales tengan lugar.

  15. roger leonr  July 27, 2009 at 9:58 pm

    Hondurenos. Hay que sacrificarse por la demogracia. Uds. se han puesto los patalones contra Hugo (bufon), Ortega (molestador), Correa (corructo), y Morales (analfaberto).
    Como Cubano/Americano el mejor comunista, es el muerto. Ellos le interesa destruir su patria para su glorias. Mantenganse firme pase lo que pase.

    Abrazos Hondurenos

  16. AuburnDoc  July 27, 2009 at 9:52 pm

    I have also heard this, but who do you believe? The word only needs to know that Honduras has followed its constitution — nothing else is needed

  17. Dawn Ward  July 27, 2009 at 8:47 pm

    Well that explains why he has supporters.

  18. JOncarlo  July 27, 2009 at 5:44 pm

    He shouldn’t have tried to become such a dictator

  19. MOISES SACA  July 27, 2009 at 5:20 pm


  20. James  July 27, 2009 at 4:56 pm

    his corruption is so obvious

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