
OAS Names Committee Members

Former Chilean President Ricardo Lagos, and Secretary of Labor in the United States, Hilda Solis, form part of the verification committee of the agreement to resolve the political crisis in Honduras, where they will travel next Tuesday to begin work, said the OAS today. Manuel Zelaya, and the Acting Chairman, Roberto Micheletti, named Jorge Arturo […]

Tegucigalpa – San Jose Accord

We, Honduran citizens, men and women, convinced of the need to strengthen the rule of law, protect our Constitution and the laws of our Republic, deepen democracy and ensure a climate of peace and tranquility for our people, have carried out an intense and frank process of political dialogue to seek a peaceful and negotiated […]

Shannon’s Briefing on Honduras

Thomas A. Shannon, Jr. Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs: “I’m delighted to be talking to you all from Tegucigalpa. As I stated previously, our delegation here – Ambassador Craig Kelly, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs, and Dan Restrepo, the Special Assistant to the President for Western Hemisphere Affairs – were […]

Possible Agreement Reached in Honduras Political Crisis

Both sides of the negotiations are meeting this morning at 8:30 a.m. The committees of President Roberto Micheletti and Manuel Zelaya signed an agreement last night, in which Congress decides on the return to the Presidency of former President Zelaya, after hearing the opinion of the Supreme Court. Victor Rico, OAS delegate, made the announcement. […]